Florida Homeschool evaluations
Different Types of Florida Homeschool Evaluations & Costs:
- Digital Quick & Easy Evaluation ($30): Email me a link to where you store your student’s portfolio (Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.) with your county information, student info, and other important details. I will email you back a digital copy of your student’s completed evaluation. Payment accepted through PayPal.
- In-Person Quick & Easy Evaluation ($40): I am available in North Florida (Jacksonville area) for in-person evaluations. Email me for details, so we can set up a time to meet! Payment accepted through PayPal or Cash.
- Digital Detailed Evaluation ($40): Email me a link to where you store your student’s evaluation (Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.) with your county information, student info, and other important details. I will email you back a digital copy of your student’s completed evaluation along with an assessment of your student’s skills based on his/her portfolio. I will provide notes on the portfolio activities, ways to integrate literacy and math skills, and suggestions for next year’s goals. Payment accepted through PayPal.
- In-Person Detailed Evaluation ($45): I am available in North Florida (Jacksonville area) for in-person evaluations. Email me for details, so we can set up a time to meet! I will provide notes on the portfolio activities, ways to integrate literacy and math skills, and suggestions for next year’s goals in a 30-45 minute meeting. Payment accepted through PayPal or Cash.

Over my last 15 years of teaching and tutoring ELA, I have worked with a wonderful range of students from my most important pupil (my 3 1/2 year old daughter, Abigail) all the way to College English. I have loved every minute of teaching reading and writing, but when it got to test prep, my frustrations sky-rocketed. During my last decade in Jacksonville, FL, the focus always seems to be test prep to the exclusion of teaching quality writing and literary analysis. That’s when I read Christy Wright’s book Business Boutique and found out about Teachers Pay Teachers from a teacher friend. I got inspired! I realize I could kill two birds with one stone and help others do the same. Instead of teaching test prep in isolation, I would create lessons, activities, and assessments that incorporated test prep into the teaching of literature every teacher wants to actually teach! I hope you enjoy my store and feel free to email me for suggestions on literature I can include in the future!