5 Adaptable Differentiation in the Classroom Strategies
The phrase Differentiation in the Classroom is a popular buzzword, but most teachers I know struggle with how to implement this concept in real-world educational situations. There are many professional development courses that tout strategies to assist with...
21 Captivating Short Stories Read in High School
When I think of my own high school English experiences, I remember reading loads of literature and writing a ton! While novels and plays consumed about half of what I was required to read, short stories read inside and outside of class were always a breath of fresh...
6+ Creative Ways to Further Explore Characterization
There’s that old saying that if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Certainly, there are moments as teachers when we realize that we’ve been teaching the same thing for quite a while. And yes, we know it works! For me, this includes my lessons for teaching character traits...
10 Ways to Teach Primary Texts Easily and Effectively
As English teachers, we try to breathe life into the texts we teach to increase engagement and understanding as well as encourage a deeper connection (and deeper consideration). We do this often with the literature we teach, but do we do the same with primary texts?...
19 Worthwhile End of Year Reflection Questions for ANY Classroom
19 Worthwhile End of Year Reflection Questions for ANY Classroom-The last days and weeks of school are usually very chaotic, exhausting, and nerve-wracking, especially for teachers. Students are itching to do ANYTHING except work, and I get it. Who wants to work when...
60 Essential Reading Comprehension Questions for ANY Text
Have you ever asked your students some pretty basic reading comprehension questions about the assigned reading and all you experience is deafening silence? You are not alone, my teacher friend! While one of my favorite pastimes is reading, most of my students do not...
10 No-Sweat End of the Year Activities To Finish The School Year Right
Once Spring Break is over, a glance at the calendar makes it clear that end of the year activities are near. A quick glance around the classroom and it is obvious that students know that the time is approaching as well. What is most needed then is some end of the year...
How to Write a Theme Statement Easily and Effectively in 5 Steps
Learning how to write a THEME STATEMENT is a real struggle for most students. You might think that because it is taught from kindergarten throughout the elementary years that understanding the message of a story, novel, or poem should be super simple to grasp....
19 Short Stories and Questions For Critical Thinking
There have been rumblings in different online teacher groups recently about replacing novels with short stories and informational articles in middle and high school English classrooms. I have to admit I was shocked when I first read the comments because I am a book...
How to Write About Poetry in 5 Worthwhile Ways
Have you ever tried to read poetry on your own for FUN? Try asking this question to a bunch of middle and high school students in a typical English class...You will probably get blank stares or smirks in response. Now, ask those same students if they know how to write...
I primarily focus on integrating multiple disciplines and subjects. The goal is to make teaching simplified and effective!