Master the Rhetorical Analysis Essay in 5 Simple Lessons
One of my absolute favorite types of essays to teach is the Rhetorical Analysis Essay. I know I may not have many kindred spirits with this mindset, and that's understandable. It has taken me many years and hundreds of hours reading rhetorical analyses to think this...

3 Unexpected I Am Poems For Teens
Ever since I can remember, I have loved writing poetry. I think many teens go through a period of poetic musing, reflections, and emulation, just like I did. Sometimes, however, the process of writing poetry can be difficult to wrap your mind around. Where do I start?...

What Does Central Idea Mean? in 3 Simple Steps
Too often, it is easy to bypass some basic concepts or standards in the secondary classroom. Answering the question What Does Central Idea Mean? might possibly seem like a major waste of class time because this question is practically asked and answered from day one...

5 Poems That Rhyme For Kids
While I am a fan of classic poetry, when it comes to my own children, I like to spice up what I read with a mix of poems that rhyme or don't! Now, I particularly love poems that rhyme, and so does my seven-year-old. The rhythm just makes the reading experience more...

A Butterfly Poem & 5 Fun Activities
Who doesn't love butterflies? Their beauty, grace, and transformative nature personify Spring! The Butterfly Poem below is an easy and fun read that any elementary kid will love during this time of the year. So, if you need a butterfly poem ready for springtime, check...

Teaching Through Film in 5 Powerful and Purposeful Ways
Let's face it. Longform movies have become the new "books" that students are struggling to "read." It used to be that a teacher would include a movie in a lesson or unit, and the students would break out the popcorn and settle in for a fantastic class! Nowadays, when...

6 Proven To Build a Fire Short Story Activities
There are so many classic Jack London stories, but my favorite by far is his To Build a Fire short story. Don't let the title fool you- the story does not revolve around the steps of building a fire. In fact, no fire is actually created in the story. The irony of the...

10 New Year’s Resolutions Worksheet Ideas
At the start of the New Year, making resolutions can be a fun way to develop critical thinking skills and teach life skills, both of which are important, especially in middle and high school. The start of January is a fantastic time as students are acclimating to a...

7 New Year’s Poem & Resolutions Activities
When we get back to school after a two-week break, it can be practically impossible to start something big, whether that is a unit, a project, or a book study. Instead, you might want to begin the new year by gently guiding your students back into the swing of things....

7 New Years Poem & Goals Activities
As you know, I am a huge fan of killing many birds with a single stone, metaphorically at least. I try to integrate several skills and texts into every single activity I teach. That's why I start off the year with a New Years Poem after Winter Break. It is tough to...

I primarily focus on integrating multiple disciplines and subjects. The goal is to make teaching simplified and effective!