10 Critical Thinking Questions for The Gift of the Magi

Aug 14, 2021

O. Henry’s classic short story “The Gift of the Magi” should be on your list of MUST-TEACH literature! And including Questions for The Gift of the Magi is VITAL!

It has so much to offer not only to teachers but also to middle AND high school students! If you have never read it, here is a quick synopsis: A wife and husband are relatively poor, yet they still want to give each other something for Christmas. Each decides to sacrifice something in order to pay for that gift. At the end of the story, there is an unexpected twist, and the couple ultimately realizes the true meaning of Christmas. And one of the best things about this story is the message involving sacrifice and generosity!

Keep reading for help with teaching this short story as we focus on 10 Critical Thinking Questions for The Gift of the Magi!

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10 Critical Thinking Questions by Standard for The Gift of the Magi 


Teaching the concept of theme (the message of the story) can be quite difficult at times. Most of the time, we get one-word responses from our students about the theme. For this story in particular, we might get “love” or “gifts” or “sacrifice.”

These are NOT the themes of the story, so introducing theme questions for The Gift of the Magi can be very important to comprehending theme!

What about love? What about gifts? What about sacrifice?

BUT these are good topics to focus on, which can help students to figure out the theme!

You could ask your students the following question:

#1.  Which theme could be true based on the short story?

Here are several examples of thematic statements that could or could not be true for “The Gift of the Magi:”

  • Gifts represent love, loyalty, and faithfulness.
  • People should not cherish objects too much.
  • Generosity to the poor is an important part of the holidays.
  • Marriage often requires self-sacrifice.

If you need an EASY way to teach the concept of theme, check out The Gift of the Magi Quiz Pack with 20 Questions for The Gift of the Magi in various assessment forms that mirror standardized tests!

Want more short story ideas? Click below!

short stories for 9th graders

Central Idea

Central Idea is not the same thing as Theme. In terms of literature, a theme is the message of the story whereas the central idea is the main idea of the story. Just tell me what the text is about, so it covers the main point.

You could ask a very basic question:

#2.  What is the central idea of the short story?

Students could answer in one sentence, several sentences, or even a full paragraph. The choice is yours!

Now, students’ responses will differ, but they should all include relevant support. Encourage students to locate textual evidence for their ideas!

questions for the gift of the magi summary


I love analyzing characters, whether the character is in a poem, book, play, television show, or even a movie. So let’s help our students examine characterization with ease.

There are a couple of things to cover first:

  1. Flat Characters: usually only have 1 or 2 characteristics
  2. Round Characters: usually reflect real-life people with many characteristics
  3. Dynamic Characters: change in some way by the end of the story
  4. Static Characters: do not really change by the end of the story

So when we are asking students to analyze characterization, we want them to see more than 1 or 2 traits. We want our students to see how a character changes.

#3.  What traits best describe Jim at the beginning and the end of the story?

Click to buy this Literary Analysis and Characterization Pack for The Gift of the Magi!

questions for the gift of the magi literary analysis

Click the link for a FREE My Traits Activity to help students with examining characterization in THEMSELVES!

4 Literary Analysis Questions for The Gift of the Magi

There are many aspects of literary analysis you could focus on for any story:

Analyzing Description:

#4.  What is the effect of the description within the following excerpt?

The “Dillingham” had been flung to the breeze during a former period of prosperity when its possessor was being paid $30 per week. Now, when the income was shrunk to $20, though, they were thinking seriously of contracting to a modest and unassuming D. But whenever Mr. James Dillingham Young came home and reached his flat above he was called “Jim” and greatly hugged by Mrs. James Dillingham Young, already introduced to you as Della. Which is all very good.

Analyzing Techniques:

#5.  What is the effect of the repetition of the phrase “One dollar and eighty-seven cents” in the short story?

Analyzing Literary Devices:

#6.  How does O. Henry use a literary device to convey meaning in “The Gift of the Magi?”

Analyzing How Characterization Contributes to Theme with questions for The Gift of the Magi:

#7.  How does the characterization of Della contribute to the message of the story?

Want to teach your students how to write a LITERARY ANALYSIS? Check out>>>Use Literary Analysis Examples in 5 STEPS!


Tone can be quite tough for students to grasp. They know the words “positive” and “negative,” but identifying a specific tone is a feat for most students. Be sure to explain connotation (the positive or negative feelings associated with a specific word, phrase, or idea) and tone (the specific emotions of the author, speaker, characters, etc.).

Examples of specific tones:

  • angry
  • happy
  • frustrated
  • calm
  • humorous
  • peaceful
  • irritated

You could even have your students identify tone in various situations before having them examine tone in the story as you incorporate questions for the Gift of the Magi!

#8.  How does the tone change in the following excerpt?

White fingers and nimble tore at the string and paper. And then an ecstatic scream of joy; and then, alas! a quick feminine change to hysterical tears and wails, necessitating the immediate employment of all the comforting powers of the lord of the flat.

If you need help with Questions for The Gift of the Magi, check out this pack —> “The Gift of the Magi” while online, click below to buy!

questions for the gift of the magi quiz

Want more info about teaching tone? Check out this post!

In Literature What Is Tone?

2 Structure Questions for The Gift of the Magi

Teaching about structure is vital, but it can also be a bit frustrating. The concept of structure, order of events, organization, etc. really challenge adults, let alone students. One of the modules I teach for online learning asks students to examine the impact of the structure in a letter. How do we even begin to tackle teaching this idea to our students through questions for The Gift of the Magi?

Steps for Analyzing Structure: 

  1. Introduce the concept of structure: it is simply the way a text is organized.
  2. Explain how different texts are organized: you may want to focus on a poem, letter, song, novel, play, etc.
  3. Examine the beginning, middle, and end: ask students about what they notice in each part.
  4. Finally, discuss the WHY of the structure: encourage students to think critically about WHY a text starts and ends in a specific way.

Below are Questions for The Gift of the Magi:

#9.  What is the impact of the sentence structure in the following excerpt on the meaning of the story?

For there lay The Combs–the set of combs, side and back, that Della had worshipped long in a Broadway window. Beautiful combs, pure tortoise shell, with jewelled rims–just the shade to wear in the beautiful vanished hair. They were expensive combs, she knew, and her heart had simply craved and yearned over them without the least hope of possession. And now, they were hers, but the tresses that should have adorned the coveted adornments were gone.

#10.  How does the order of events in the short story affect the meaning of this quotation?

  O all who give and receive gifts, such as they are wisest. 

Need a break from lesson planning? Check out the ENTIRE lesson bundle with PDF and Digital Options that include Questions for The Gift of the Magi!

questions for the gift of the magi activities       questions for the gift of the magi o henry

Why should we include critical thinking questions for The Gift of the Magi?

If I am totally honest, I might reveal that I just want to read and enjoy short stories for what they are without dissecting all of the details…Sometimes, I just want to sit and reflect. But our students need more than that. They don’t necessarily have to examine EVERY part of the story or meet EVERY standard in a week.

We can, however, meet our students where they are. You can teach only one standard or several standards. It is up to you! Just be sure to read this amazing and insightful tale when you can and include questions for The Gift of the Magi along the way.

Your students will thank you for it!

Click the bundle below for activities & questions for The Gift of the Magi!

questions for the gift of the magi lessons

Need more fun lessons and activities that include questions for The Gift of the Magi? Check out my store Kristin Menke-Integrated ELA Test Prep!


I primarily focus on  integrating multiple disciplines and subjects. The goal is to make teaching simplified and effective!

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